Karel Donder van de Trompeborgh

Karel Donder NHSB 2792415

Breeder; E.M. Smit-Hamming, owner; T.A.C. Markies.

Karel Donder is a beautiful male from the combination Haitske v.d. Trompeborgh X Lutsen Joppe v.d. Eenhoornleijn. Karel Donder has  earned several times an ''Excellent'' at shows. He is CD free and has a HD C with a Norbergwaarde of 23.


Karel Donder is very energetic dog and has a huge drive, but he is at the same time a real people dog, he loves making eye contact and really wants to work with his owner. He is clearly a dog with a lot of "will to please".
Although he is not educated or trained for hunting, he had demonstrated to have enormous hunting passion. He fetches naturally very eager, he gets off quickly and fetches almost immediately for him foreign objects such as a rabbit or pigeon dummy.
He loves following tracks like a drag from a duck he does this with endless passion. He clearly has an innate hunting talent.

Karel Donder van de Trompeborgh
Karel Donder van de Trompeborgh

Karel Donder van de Trompeborgh with a pigeondummy
Karel Donder van de Trompeborgh with a pigeondummy