Hoppe Beau fan't Peelhiem

Hoppe Beau NHSB 3023629


Hoppe Beau (HD - A) is 3 years old and has recently been selected as a stud dog, during this inspection it was soon established that he is a free Stabyhoun with a lot of zest for work. Although Hoppe Beau (Kobus) does not have a hunting diploma, he clearly shows to possesses a lot of hunting passion and will to retrieve. He prefers to walk around with a ball in his mouth that he offers to his boss in the hope that he will throw it away and he can pick it up and deliver it one after the other.


He also like's to follow a duck or rabbit trail, he immediately goes on the track with lots of passion and allure. It is an energetic, sweet, social and work-loving male.

Hoppe Beau fan't Peelhiem
Hoppe Beau fan't Peelhiem